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November 15, 2010

THE TALENTED MR. RIPLEY (1999) : Great Location

This thriller movie sets in lots of beautiful places in Italy. Little more details of the places is in here. I already see some of great views of Italy in Letters To Juliet and Nine, but this movie have a lot of more parts of Italy to look. Here are some images.


Chris said...

I like your new design with the tree symbol, looks good.

Yes, beautiful scenery in Italy. Funny how they tried to make matt damon a nerd, and I believed it !

I remember the blog "Best movies you've never heard of" wrote an interesting review you might want to find (although I disagree with him about this being an unknown film)

Andina said...

Interesting, could you give me the link of the website?

Thank u :) I've been wanting to change it for a while.

Matt Damon is very much a nerd here. I want to make a review about the movie, but don't have time yet.

Chris said...