Summary : The life of Nam, an ordinary girl as a freshman in her school who secretly had a crush with her senior high school mate. The story surround itself with her friendship with her childhood friends and the opponent on impressing her crush.
I tried to search the movie in my usual movie guide such as imdb.com and others. But it's not available. Apparently the movie is a big hit in the local theaters here and not internationally. Maybe it's on its way.
I have new appreciation in Thai movies after I watched this. The movie 'forced' you to laugh and cry, and to remember the high school days. Most people aren't instantly know how to look good in high school. We still adjusting from our childhood and adult. You can see the transformation of Nam being geeky to the beautiful teenager.
In general if you read the script or the summary you'd think 'there's nothing new'. But I managed to watch it whole movie. You should never underestimate every part of movie support. I love the local atmosphere in this movie. The most moving part for me is the friendship between Nam and her girlfriends. I have to say that I thought the ending should be more real. This could be the movie for teen girls to look for as their teenager life would be.
Before you are here now, whether you are an accountant, college freshmen, businessman, or anything now, you were once a boy or a girl who had a crush on someone in high school. Probably made yourself look silly. The movie brings you back to the silly and naive days. Don't expect this to be life-changing movie, just the reminder of high school days. I'll be searching for more Thai movies after this.
OMG, i'm from Thailand:)
and i've watched that film, many of my friends watched it and end up crying, including me.
wow,you always find great movies and i've never thought that you will write about this movie in your blog><
i'm so proud :)
anyway, love your blog.
Hello there,
yes it was good. Do you have any other recommendation of good Thai movies? if so please let me know :)
thank you for following the blog. u should be proud of the movie.
Hi Andina^^
it's Godzi here, from Thailand. Thanks heaps for recommending this film. You're right, it can bring back all those sweet n fun memories from good old school days. I couldn't help but feel heartwarming while watching it. Btw, am wondering did you watch it in theatre in your country or DVD with subtitle? Well, i'd love to share some interesting Thai films with my foreign friends as well, but couldn't find the format with Eng subtitle T T. Talk about sharing, i think you might like these two films "Hello stranger" n "Best in times". The first one is about two strangers bumping into each other in Korea. They don't know each other's names, but it turns out they understand encourage and of course love each other more than their so called boyfriend/girlfriend. the plot might sound cheesy. but you can rest assured that there're touching, warming and funny bits in the film. The second one revolving around a girl who spends every min trying to forget her ex and an elder man who tries to remember every waking moment he've spent with his loved ones. Of course, it's not as avant garde as 'Eternal sunshine on the spotless mind', but it's nice and so real that you can easily relate yourself to the story. Warning: the last 10 min of the film can induce tear. it's not the sad ending though, i promise you. Actually, there's more to share, but i gotta run now. So please stay tuned n enjoy checking these two films out ^^
Here's the link to "hello stranger' n "best in times" trailers.
Hello Godzi,
I am already on the quest of searching those two movies. I think Best In Times is now in the theaters here in the city. After watching this movie I thought I should find more of Thai movies. But thank you for recommending :)
I just posted 'Bangkok Traffic Love Story', check it out.
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