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December 12, 2010

Going The Distance (2010) : The Boxer Rebellion

The Boxer Rebellion has been accompanying me all week. It's been a part of my personal video project, due to recommendation of my best friend. At the same time, my sister was watching Going The Distance. I decided to check the movie myself later, and there they were, the hook band in the movie. It must be fate then, because the band's music is something to look for.

Go to their website and download their EP track for free

from the movie Going The Distance


Sophie Golden said...

Did you see the movie yet? It is really good. There are always amazing bands playing in Drew's movies. I loved it. Justin Long is quite cute as well.

Andina said...

Yes I did. It was funny and romantic, not at all shallow. Justin Long is adorable. I did not notice the bands in Drew's movies, really?

Sophie Golden said...

Yeh. You should also see the "Whip it" - she got really nice bands' music going on. Check out Landon Pigg and "Turbo Fruits" for example.

Andina said...

Noted :)